
Sunday, 26 July 2015

Hold onto your soft bits, folks!

New life breathed into pulp Zen, Condesa Isabella, rockabilly-samurais and that weird Neville guy…  

Actually, I’ve just finished making those changes to my website, some major and some minor.

Really gone to town on the homepage – the title header now features the naga icon that appears on the spine of my paperbacks and the conventional portrait replaced with a gritty, stylised comic effect. Main panel: the book feature + blurb has gone and in its place a much more striking close up of the comic-effect portrait with various genres superimposed; also a montage of rather cool, memorable images related to the actual books.  

Updated cover art images and accompanying text.

Included the newly released paperback version of Shadows and Pagodas as well as the new edition of Neville Changes Villages. 

Penned additional text for Man in a Zen Ambulance.  

And finally, I’ve acknowledged sources and also those peculiarly gifted individuals (real and imagined) who have helped me with my creative work.

Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Whatver happened to Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow?

DVD cover in Thai

I didn't really appreciate this wonderful homage to vintage B-adventure and sci-fi films when it came out in 2004. But now I think it’s rather wonderful actually.

A reviewer at Rotten Tomatoes commented that it takes all the elements of 1930's films: '...giant robots, mad scientists, valleys hiding forgotten kingdoms, secret islands with dinosaurs and rocket launch bases, and creates the funniest adventure Indiana Jones never had.'

Also a sobering article on how the two incredibly gifted guys behind the film paved the way for contemporary CGI - only to be blanked by the Hollywood in-crowd and never made another film since!